Are You in Your Window of Tolerance?

When you are in your window of tolerance, things feel just right. You might feel:

-Able to cope and handle challenges

-Calm but not tired. You’re alert but not anxious.

-Able to make decisions.

-Safe and secure

-Able to respond instead of react

-A sense of trust in yourself and your abilities

What this might look like in postpartum and parenthood:

-Being able to fall asleep and stay asleep

-Not having anxiety about if your baby stops breathing in their sleep

-Feeling sure of yourself as a parent

-Feeling capable of coping through any distress when your baby is crying or fussy

-Being able to pause and reflect before meeting your baby’s needs, rather than reacting in frustration or overwhelm

-Not feeling impacted by other people’s opinions and judgments. 

If you got to the end of this post and are thinking there is something wrong with you because you are NOT doing or feeling any of these things, guess what…


Mamas and parents, especially first time ones, are frequently outside of their window of tolerance. Postpartum can be a beautiful time, AND it can be a very stressful - or even traumatic - time. 

While this time is not forever, and you will find your way to the Window of Tolerance again, you do not have to go through this time alone…

You are not alone. You are not to blame. With help, you will be well.
Check out Postpartum Support International’s website for more resources and support!


Hyperarousal in Postpartum & Parenthood


Envy vs. Jealousy in Postpartum & Parenthood