EMDR uses bilateral stimulation (BLS) to resemble REM sleep. REM sleep is the state of sleep where dreaming occurs, helps makes sense of events that occurred that day, and integrates the information learned into our memory.
What is bilateral stimulation?
BLS is stimulating both sides of the body, such as through watching a light go from side to side or alternately tapping on each of your knees, which then stimulates both sides of the brain.
How is this helpful in treating trauma?
According to Bessel van der Kolk, “EMDR loosens up something in the mind/brain that gives people rapid access to loosely associated memories and images from their past. This seems to help them put the traumatic experience into a larger context or perspective.” In other words, the traumatic memory becomes unstuck, EMDR helps to reduce or eliminate the emotional charge related to the traumatic memory, and a person is able to truly see that the event/danger is over.