Negative Beliefs & Neuroplasticity

If you saw my post on Monday you know I have been talking about negative core, or limiting, beliefs and how these beliefs develop. You also may have downloaded my free guide, learned about common limiting beliefs, and identified which ones you hold. Now, you may be wondering, “Is it possible to change? Or will I have these beliefs forever?”

When we are not aware of our automatic thoughts, we often do not know why we feel and act the way we do. The repeated occurrences of these automatic thoughts creates something called a neural pathway, or a route of connections in our brains. The more the pathway is used, the more ingrained it is, and leads to habits and deeply rooted beliefs. 

I have some good news. It IS possible to change these neural pathways, including our negative core beliefs, thanks to neuroplasticity.

What is neuroplasticity? Essentially, our brains are malleable. We can create NEW neural pathways through intentionally creating and using new neural pathways, including through new habits and establishing more helpful thoughts to shift your focus to.

Although, these changes do not occur overnight. It took years for your current neural pathways to become so entrenched, and it will take time for new, more hopeful pathways to develop. Identifying your negative core, or limiting, beliefs can be one of the first steps in this important work. What is one small change you can make today? What is a more helpful thought you can try shifting your focus to when a negative core belief occurs?

If you are interested in identifying and changing your own negative core beliefs, click here and sign up for my weekly newsletter. Then, you can also get access to my FREE guide, What’s Holding You Back?: 10 Common Limiting Beliefs in Parenthood!


Negative Beliefs In Birth Trauma


How Negative Beliefs Can Shape Postpartum