It Is Possible to Recover From An Eating Disorder

If any of my food and body posts have resonated with you, and you want some other resources on your journey with healing your own relationship with food and body, some resources I recommend:


-Intuitive Eating, by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch

-Eating in the Light of the Moon, by Dr. Anita Johnston

-8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder, by Carolyn Costin & Gwen Schubert Grabb (They also have a workbook for this)

-Healthy Bodies: Teaching Kids What They Need to Know, by Kathy J. Kater


-Peace Meal, The Emily Program

-The Appetite, Opal: Food and Body Wisdom

-Maintenance Phase, Aubrey Gordon & Michael Hobbes

-We Can Do Hard Things, Glennon Doyle (Glennon is currently in her own recovery and is sharing the process on her podcast)


-National Eating Disorders Association (

-Eating Recovery Center (

-Eating Disorder Hope (

-The Emily Program (

****There is no replacement for working with professionals who specialize in treating eating disorders, including:

-A therapist to help with the deeper work beyond the body and food

-A dietitian to help with making sure you are getting the nourishment your body needs

Most of all, I hope you are able to get the help and support you need. A large barrier in recovery is a person feeling their disordered eating isn't that bad. The sooner a person gets help, the more likely that person will find healing.

And you are worthy of a life without the burden of a disordered eating and feeling at war with your body.

Starting January 1, I am starting a free 10-day intuitive eating challenge. Rather than using this time of year to disconnect from our bodies (through dieting), I want to encourage people to reconnect.

While this challenge is absolutely in no way a replacement for professional help in recovery from disordered eating, it could be a way for you to explore your current relationship with food and body, and give more insight regarding what might be helpful for you to start working on with a professional (e.g., unhealthy relationship with over-exercise, unhelpful thoughts related to food and body).

**Click here to sign up for this free 10-day challenge. <3


A Reflection Practice For 2023


Eating Disorders and Perinatal Mental Health