Unhelpful Beliefs During Childbirth
“I am a failure” is a very common unhelpful thought/belief.
There are a variety of reasons this unhelpful belief is developed, including:
You received criticism from your parent when you did anything below their expectations of you, such as not getting straight A’s in school
You experienced shame when you did not get into your dream college, or make the varsity team in your favorite sport
Getting yelled at by your parents without any follow-up and repair, leaving you to believe whatever happened was because of *you*
This unhelpful belief is also VERY common when giving birth.
When we are pregnant, there is so much outside of our control. The baby, and the body, are in control.
There is only so much we can do to contribute to the health of the pregnancy and the baby.
But something I have seen people experience during pregnancy, is blaming themselves when something goes ‘wrong’, including when the birth parent:
Goes into preterm labor, and feels like their body couldn’t do what it was ‘made to do’ (i.e., grow and birth a healthy baby)
Needs to get an epidural to manage the pain, when they were adamantly against it on their birth plan
Blames themselves when they need any medical intervention, because they feel they ‘should’ have been able to birth their baby on their own
If you resonate with any of this, and you are interested in identifying, and changing, your own unhelpful thoughts and beliefs…
Try my free eGuide, What’s Holding You Back?: 10 Common Limiting Beliefs in Parenthood.
Click here to get access to my eGuide!