NEW Course -Find Peace With Food & Body (During Pregnancy, Postpartum, & Beyond)

Thank you for signing up!

You just took the first step in finding peace in your relationship with food and your body. Not just for yourself, but also for your child(ren).

Are you wanting something to do while you wait for the course?

Start with these 3 things:

  • Watch this video!

    Welcome to this Nurtured & Embodied community, you cycle-breaker you! Click on the button below to hear a little message from me, to help get you started on your healing journey.

  • Check your email!

    You should be getting a confirmation email at any moment. Please also keep an eye out for more information coming to your inbox soon!

  • Read this beginner's guide!

    While I will be sharing A LOT more in my course, here is a little peak at some of what you will be seeing and learning.