How Are My Specialities Connected?

I was on an episode of the Soul School With Audrey podcast (click here to give it a listen) back in June 2020. 

When I told Audrey about my specialities as a therapist - eating disorders, perinatal mental health, and trauma/PTSD - she expressed curiosity at how all three could be connected.

Working with eating disorders has always been my goal on my journey to becoming a psychotherapist. It is still one of the areas of my work I am most passionate about.

It was while working in an adult residential eating disorder treatment program that I began seeing individuals who were parents, coming in and out of treatment.

Through this work, I also began to see patterns of how people either had an onset or relapse with an eating disorder during their pregnancy, postpartum, and/or while parenting.

Then, when I went through my own pregnancy and postpartum, I could absolutely see how this was possible for so many people, and I went on to get certified in perinatal mental health.

And more often than not, eating disorders are a means of coping with traumatic or stressful events and relationships. After experiencing my own birth traumas with my first child, I went on to get certified in Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, and I have seen the beautiful healing that can be done through this work. 

If you are pregnant, postpartum, or a parent, you are in the right place.

If you are experiencing perinatal mental health, such as depression or anxiety, you are in the right place.

If you are worried how pregnancy and postpartum will impact your relationship with food and body, you are in the right place.

If you want to work on healing your relationship with food and body, so you can be a healthy role model for your children, you are in the right place.

If you have experienced trauma - earlier in your life, during birth, or during pregnancy and postpartum - you are in the right place.

If you want to end unhelpful generational cycles, such as disordered eating that has ran in your family, you are in the right place.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for doing the work.


My Work With Treating Eating Disorders <3


8 Things I Would Tell My Newly-Postpartum Self