Struggling With Weight Gain In Pregnancy

It is not uncommon for unhelpful core beliefs to pop up during pregnancy. 

Some examples of these beliefs are:

“I am a failure.”

“I am being dramatic/over-reacting.”

“It is my fault/I am responsible.”

“I am losing control/I have no control.”

“I am losing control [of my body]” was a belief present during my first pregnancy.

I still remember looking at myself in the full-length mirror in our new house.

We had just moved in, and I was about 18 weeks pregnant.

We didn’t have a full-length mirror in our previous home, and this was the first time I was staring at the reflection of my whole body.

As many of us know, people at 18 weeks of pregnancy *feel* pregnant, but don’t really *look* pregnant.

A lot of pregnant clients I have worked with have said, “It just looks like I am getting fat.”

This brings up a lot of feelings for people. Including worrying others will think they have ‘let themselves go’ or ‘are losing control’. 

And in this moment of staring in the mirror, I felt that. Oof. 

“I have to have control” is an old unhelpful belief in my life, and feeling like I did not have control over my body during pregnancy was very uncomfortable and scary. 

But focusing on my body was a distraction from my true fear: that I did not have control over the health of my pregnancy or my baby.

If you resonate with any of this, and you are interested in identifying, and changing, your own unhelpful thoughts or beliefs… 

Gaining awareness of food and body judgments (and learning where they came from) is the first part of my course: Finding Peace With Food & Body (During Pregnancy, Postpartum, & Beyond).

If you are interested in learning more about my upcoming course - and how you can participate in my free beta program -  click here!


The Problem With Getting Your “Body Back”.


Were You Shamed for Your Weight Gain During Pregnancy?