My Ectopic Pregnancy

In December 2022, my husband and I learned we were pregnant. 

This was a planned and wanted pregnancy. 

We were thrilled. We told our families right away. I had names picked out. 

Then, at our first ultrasound appointment, there was no sign of an embryo. 

I stared at the screen of my empty uterus in complete shock. We soon learned it was an ectopic pregnancy. 

We were devastated. 

This is a picture my husband took of me during the treatment I needed for the ectopic pregnancy. 

I had to do two rounds of chemotherapy to stop the cell growth. 

While I still grieve this loss, I also feel grateful to have had access to this care. 

Ectopic pregnancies are not viable pregnancies - meaning, a baby cannot come to be because the embryo did not implant in the uterus. 

If untreated, they can lead to a Fallopian tube bursting, severe blood loss, and even death. 

Since this event happened to me, the access to healthcare has come under attack throughout the country. 

There is a lack of compassion and understanding as to why people end their pregnancies. 

In some cases, like mine, it is necessary for the survival of the pregnant person. 

In other cases *that are just as valid*, people: 

-do not feel ready or able to be a parent

-are in abusive relationships

-were raped

-have their own personal reasons that are no one else’s business but their own.

If you resonate with any of this, you are not alone.

And you do not have to go through this experience alone. Please check out Postpartum Support International’s website for more support, resources, and a therapist directory.


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